Friday, September 30, 2011


Linguist Staff Finials are from the Akon people. They are constructed of wood and gold leaf wrapped around the carved figures. The finial tops are carved visual motifs that have meanings. One common example is two men sitting at table this visual evokes the proverb "food is for it's owner not for the man who is hungry." Many other staffs represent other attributes such as power or wisdom.

Diviner's staffs are made by the Bwa. These staffs are made of wood, iron, leather, wire, cowries, and organic material. These staffs are used usually carried by young men in field dances following the harvest. These figures are spirits that guarentee rich harvests. These staffs show men, birds, chameleon on them.

Each of these objects have representative figures on them although they have completely different meanings to them are both of high importance. The Linguist Staff being carried by important figures and representing specific attributes about the person wielding it. It shows importance of that person. While the Diviner's staff is a more spiritual staff intended for the use after harvest with depictions of important figures. Each staff has a powerful meaning behind it one being a spiritual object which is very influential to the people and the other being a object symbolizing power or a state of office and representing that persons qualities.


  1. Great description on staves used by the Akon and Bwa cultures, but I was curious about what important figures in the Akon culture carry the linguist staves and what specific attributes about the person are being represented.

  2. The "linguist" staffs are held by the historians/speakers for asantehene. They do not represent a person; the finials are visualization of morals important to the Asante, and often serve to legitimate the power of the asantehene (or omanhene). More careful reading would help to avoid this confusion. (also-no apostraphe s for plurals--only for possessive use!)

  3. Good job with the comparison, but I was wondering the same thing as Heather what important figures carry the linguist staves? I also think it would be good to explain what the proverb stands for on the linguist staff. Also, why do they have proverbs on these staves, would be another good thing to address in your comparison as well.
